The MACDC Racial Equity Pledge


 Overview MACDC Racial Equity Pledge 2024: sustaining our momentum 

  1. History of the pledge 

  1. Resources 

  1. Articles 

  1. Step by Step - Adopting and Signing the Racial Equity Pledge Members 

  1. Contact 



Originating within the MACDC Organizer Peer Group amid a national outcry for racial justice, MACDC was asked to take leadership in pioneering collective action through a Racial Equity Pledge amongst their statewide membership of CDCs. The pledge was launched at ourAnnual Meeting on November 18, 2021.The Pledge is rooted in acknowledging the four levels of racism:  internalized racism, interpersonal racism, institutional racism, and structural racism. The Pledge aims to address the levels of racism across four areas including: root causes, representation of staff, representation of the board, and representation in our work. For a detailed account of the history of the Racial Equity Pledge, click HERE. 






Please click on the links below to read articles specific CDCs as they adopted the Racial Equity Pledge: 


How to Adopt and Sign the Racial Equity Pledge 






Allston Brighton CDC 
Metro Housing Boston 
Asian CDC 
Metro West Collaborative Development 
Cape Cod CDP 
NeighborWorks Housing Solutions 
Coalition for a Better Acre 
NewVue Communities 
Codman Square NDC 
Nuestra CDC 
Community Development Partnership 
Opportunity Communities 
Community Teamwork 
Pittsfield Economic Revitalization Corporation (PERC)  
Dorchester Bay EDC 
Revitalize CDC 
Fenway CDC 
Somerville Community Corporation 
Franklin County CDC 
South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC) 
Groundwork Lawrence 
The Neighborhood Developers 
Harborlight Community Partners 
Urban Edge 
Hilltown CDC 
Valley CDC 
Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción (IBA) 
Jamaica Plain NDC 
Wellspring Cooperative Corporation 
Worcester Common Ground 
Main South CDC 


Racial Equity Action Goal Themes 


Recognizing the importance of ongoing learning and working through this journey as a collective, MACDC along with adopting members, worked to identify and submit their action goals. Themes of our submitted adopter goals included:  





Shirronda Almeida, MKI Director,