Mel King Annual Breakfast A Huge Success!

Mel King Annual Breakfast A Huge Success!

June 2017
We hope you enjoyed the annual breakfast!
On June 22, we came together to celebrate community building, innovation, and connection in Massachusetts. There were many accomplishments and inspirational ideas shared from our partners, the poets from IBA's Youth Development and Arts Program, and our keynote speaker Jeremy Liu from PolicyLink
Major Announcements:
  • Our presenting sponsor, Eastern Bank, announced an additional $300,000 in donations available to Community Development Corporations through the Community Investment Tax Credit!
  • The Public Housing Training Program launched in March with a two-day training for residents who serve on the Board of their Local Housing Authority (LHA). Starting in the Fall, we will also offer training for any interested public housing resident, especially those involved with their Local Tenant Organization or Resident Association. 
Check out photos and videos from the event on Facebook
MKI Accomplishments 2016-2017
We are proud to announce our accomplishments from Fiscal Year 2017. Thank you to everyone who attended our trainings and events, taught, or partnered with us this year! 
  • 545 Students
  • 30 Training Courses
  • 171 Organizations
  • 13 New Courses
Watch the Annual Video Again 
A special thank you to Mel King, Vanessa Calderón Rosado, Marc Draisen, and Representative Byron Rushing for participating in the 8th Annual Video.

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Presenting Sponsor:

Boston Private Bank
Massachusetts Housing Partnership
Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation
Northeastern University

Needham Bank
NeighborWorks America

Kevin Martin and Associates
Klein Hornig LLP
NEI General Contracting
Tufts Health Public Plan

Ann L. Silverman Consulting
Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC)
Dedham Savings
Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston
Mass Growth Capital Corp.
Munkenbeck Consulting
Third Sector New England
Maloney Properties, Inc.
Dana Farber Cancer Institute