Urban Edge is throwing a party! The event, COMMUNITY, will benefit programs to help resident leadership, affordable housing, and family wealth-building. Like last year, our event will be a chance to gather, catch up, and celebrate community. The past few years have been challenging in many ways, one of them being the lack of connection. The pandemic made it impossible to gather with our communities and share quality time. As we enter a “new normal” where in-person events are becoming more commonplace, we want to come together, celebrate each other, and have some fun!

Join Urban Edge on Wednesday, May 24, for a "soul" themed block party featuring live music, soul food, dancing, and interactive games! Catch up with friends you haven’t seen in awhile, or spend some time making new ones during this fun and engaging experience. COMMUNITY promises to be a passion-filled interactive celebration you’ll never forget. The event features an opportunity to network with neighborhood leaders, visionary business people, and dedicated public officials that support our mission.


Register Here.


Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 6:00pm to 8:30pm


Under the Tent 1542 Columbus Avenue Boston, MA 02119

Event type

Member Event